Specialists in Forest Inventory
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Forest Inventory

Forest Inventory

Accurate Forest Inventory

Delivering accurate forest inventory estimates is our core business. We offer various mensuration services ranging from yield class assessments to full tree tariffs, with abbreviated volume assessments the most sought after service. A volume assessment can inform decisions on planning, sales, purchases and crop growth and is critical for both sustainable timber management and for confidence when buying or selling. We offer the following forest survey options;

Plot sampling


Plot sampling generates comprehensive data at an affordable cost. Plots are taken throughout the area of interest sampling for species, diameter, number per hectare and top height and this data is used to generate volume estimates. This can be carried out at varying intensities to suit client requirements.

YC surveys

Yield class (YC) surveys are conducted to assess crop growth rates. Sample top heights are taken throughout the area of interest and the average top height is coupled with the age of the stand to calculate YC, which is an indicative figure for the additional volume (in m3) per hectare that the crop will increase by each year. YC can also be generated from data collected during plot sampling if planting year is known.

Full tree count tariffs

Full tariffs are also carried out which involve counting each tree in the stand and sampling a percentage of the trees. This was the technique that used to be considered the industry standard, however from our experience, intense plot sampling usually proves to be as accurate.

For each technique above we would also consider stand stratification if there is variability in the crop. If clear areas of similar crop can be defined then the data from only these areas would be used to produce the results for that strata. This produces a more accurate data set and allows variability within stands to be clearly shown. 

We utilise Masser calipers, Hagloff Vertex and Laser Vertex, quad-helix GPS and bespoke software to analyse and calculate results.

Depending on the specifics of a site, we can tailor our proposed mensuration approach to meet the budget and accuracy requirement. We work in forests from a few hectares up to 1000’s of hectares, and would be happy to discuss your specific requirements.

Stacked Timber Assessment

Processed timber, stacked at roadside ready for haulage, can often require assessment for stock taking, sale agreement or other purposes. Scotwood can assess the volume of stacked timber and, using blue book principles, provide an estimate of volume and, if necessary, tonnage based on species, time of harvest and period it has been stacked for.


Working with us

If you are looking to evaluate a stand of timber or are interested in carrying out a stock inventory of your property, contact us directly and we can discuss your requirements to provide a quote for carrying out the work.

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